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Global Store

Vivid uses Zustand under the hood for global state management. You can find the store in the src/hooks directory.

import { create } from 'zustand';
import { combine } from 'zustand/middleware';
import { Page } from './useCurrentPage';

export const useGlobalState = create(
loading: true,

currentPage: null as Page | null,
(set) => ({
setLoading: (loading: boolean) => set({ loading }),
setCurrentPage: (currentPage: Page | null) => set({ currentPage }),

Loading State

Vivid uses loading state to determine whether the app is still loading or not. This state is used to display the splash screen.


You can find the function that take cares for the initiation of the app in src/lib/core/init.ts. You can also read about Authenticating as it also have a role in the initiation of the app.