📄️ Pages
Originally inspired by Next.js, Vivid uses the file-system routing approach to create pages. This means that every file inside the pages directory is treated as a page.
📄️ Theming
📄️ Layouts
By default, Vivid comes with 2 usable layouts, and 2 view layout.
📄️ Global Store
Vivid uses Zustand under the hood for global state management. You can find the store in the src/hooks directory.
📄️ Navigation
Vivid uses React Router under the hood for navigation. While routing is dynamically generated, you still need to configure sidebar navigation manually.
🗃️ Plugins
3 items
📄️ Mocking API
You can mock API request and responses even without any backend running. Vivid uses MSW to mock API requests. You can find the mock handlers in the src/@mock/handlers directory.